Me gustan todas las artes... menos cocinar.

sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2007

Happy New Year

For all people that read my blog, from Chile I wish you the best desires for the new year.

Para toda la gente que lee mi blog, desde Chile los mejores deseos para el nuevo año.

If you sow a friendship,
with caress plant,
and fertilize it with patience,
prune it with the truth,
and transplante with faith,
'cause it needs time and to grow

(From the song 'La rosa de los vientos' )

(Original lyric)

Si tú siembras una amistad
con mimo plántala
y abónala con paciencia
pódala con la verdad
y transplántala con fe
pues necesita tiempo y crecer

(De la canción ' La rosa de los vientos')

Regard from the celebration 2006-2007 in Valparaíso, Chile.
Recuerdo de la celebración 2006-2007 en Valparaíso, Chile.

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2007

Holiday Time

In this period of holidays, the most beatiful of the year for me, every corner of the house impregnates with the heat and the spirit of christmas.
My son Benjamin like Santa... welcome to my house.

I like very much to decorate with christmas trees, mini Santa Clauss, and manger of Jesus. Bring in to the hall of access, the first thing that you see is the christmas tree decorate only with red and golden balls, and a small souvenir that my children put there.

Above the console table I join three pines, one of them I paint in ceramic long time ago, another is with decoupage y other is with hanging (they are break) and an earring (he lost his brother). On the wall of this place there is a mini quilt of christmas tree.

Every year I get or I make a manger. I put the smallest above the chimney, like of the peruvian handicrafts. On the furniture, beside of the chimney, there is a manger of ceramics that is incomplete, and above the wall there is another that I sewed one year ago.

Above an old trunk (it is waiting for the restauration) that I use like table of center, there are a lot of adornments like the Big Santa, the basket, the boot (painted for me), and the tree with buttons that I made for this occasion.

This year I incorporate the christmas decoration to the kitchen dinette and the family room. With garlands, cups, teapots and pies I remain the nativity in the kitchen, and with clothes on one of my armoire.
As we are in summer, my Santa is swiming in the swimingpool.

Like bonus track, this is a pciture with my brother Antonio when we were child. The picture was take in 1963, long time ago, hehe.

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2007

Un cuento ( A tale )

Cuando realizo un trabajo, además de usar varias técnicas que he aprendido, me gusta desarrollar una historia. Algo real o ficticio, que cada vez que lo observo, ya sea en un jarrón, una ventana, un cuadro o una colcha, disfruto recordando la historia que un día inventé.

Cuando leí sobre el desafío de Blogger Craft en el Blog Beachyscape cod cupboard, me gusto la idea, busqué algo donde hacerlo y encontré esta lata en forma de lechero desechada en el jardín. Ahora el tema era que podría hacer con la fotografía, y ahí decidí crear otra historia, un "Diario de Viaje" de un grupo de mujeres inglesas a Chile. El final es el que cada persona desee.

Gracias por conocerme.

When I do some work, in addition to using various techniques that I have learned, I like to develop a story. Something real or fictitious, that every time I look at it, either in a vase, a window, a picture or a quilt, I enjoy recalling the story that one day I have invented.

When I read about the "Blogger Craft challenge," I liked the idea, I looked up and do something where I found this tin in the form of dairy vase, discarded in the garden. Now, the topic was what it might do with the photograph, and hence decided to create another story, "Journal of Travel" of a group of British women to traveling from England to Chile. The end is the one that everyone wants.

Thanks for Know me.
Maria Elena

Here are the pictures:

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2007

Mi casa en Lonquén / My house in Lonquen

  • Mi casa en Lonquen es en estilo colonial chileno, con vigas a la vista y corredor. Se ubica en el campo cerca de Santiago.
    El diseño de la casa fue hecho por nosotros mismos, por lo que recoge nuestros gustos y necesidades.
    Les muestro algunos de mis lugares preferidos:
  • My house in Lonquen has a chilean colonial style, with beams that you can see and a corridor. It is in the country-side, near of Santiago.The design of the house was made by ourselves (my husband and I), and for this reason it collects the things that we like and need. I show you some places that I prefer:

  • Acceso principal / Principal access
    La puerta antigua proviene de una demolición y el efecto de luz, producido por los vitrales laterales (que yo hice), me gusta mucho y siento que da una bienvenida cálida.

    The old door proceeds from a demolition and the effect of the light, made for the stained glass (I did it), make me feel a warm welcome.

  • Chimenea en el estar principal

    Definitivamente adoro la madera rústica y con signos de antigüedad. La mesilla de la chimenea fue hecha a partir de una viga de álamo bicentenaria, y escogí las secciones visiblemente deterioradas para remarcar las rusticidad. Muchos adornos son piezas adquiridas en ferias persas junto a cerámicas que pinté hace unos diez años.

    Definitely, I love the rustic wood with antiques signs. The shelf above the chimney was made from a beam of a bicentenary poplar, and I chose the sections visibly deteriorated because I wanted to show the rusticity of the wood.
  • El comedor / The dining room

    Este ambiente lo fui armando de a poco. A la mesa (hecha de vigas de demolición) le agregué sillas estilo normando compradas en una venta de garage. Posteriormente encontré, en otra feria, un velador del mismo estilo (con tallados espectaculares), el que transformé en un mini bar. Las paredes las pinté con esponja y pusé un stencil en la parte superior. Pinté en los platos de cerámica motivos de flores autóctonas chilenas.

    I made this place little by little. To the table (it was made with demolition beams) I added chairs with a 'normando' style that I bought in a garage sale. After I found, in another fair, a night table with the same style (and it has a spectacular carving), and I transformed it in a mini bar. I painted the walls with a sponge and I put a stencil in the up side of the wall. In addition, I painted the ceramic dishes with a design of some chilean's flowers.
  • Por favor, dejame un comentario.

    Please, leave me a comment.