Hace un par de meses, el BOM terminó y con todos los bloques dispuestos, resultó una colcha muy simpática (alguna gracia tenía escondida).
I have to admit that it was not love at first sight. When I found this BOM with individual motifs, I felt was missing some detail, but I followed downloading it once a month if needed it together for a particular purpose.
A couple of months, the BOM is over and all the blocks ready, it was a very nice quilt (some grace was hidden).
Después de dar varias vueltas y responderme:”si tengo tantos trabajos empezados…”; lo comencé a hacer, la idea inicial era hacerlo tal cual lo tiene su diseñadora, pero en el camino pensé:”…y si le agrego unos bordaditos”, así esta colcha la he ido moldeando a mi manera, y ustedes que opinan.
After taking several turns I said to myself, "if I have started so many jobs ..." I started doing this BOM, the initial idea was to do as is available from your designer, but on the way I thought: "... and if I add a small embroidered" ,so this quilt I have been shaping my way, and you are saying.
Que tengan un buen fin de semana.
Have a great weekend.