Me gustan todas las artes... menos cocinar.

lunes, 28 de enero de 2008

La Máxima Felicidad del Matrimonio es Envejecer Juntos / The Maximum Happiness Marriage is to Grow Old Together

  • Hay otro desafío auspiciado por Beachys y ésta es mi participación.

Después de la ceremonia religiosa, la gran recepción en el Club de la Unión.
Mientras llegaban los invitados, una góndola quedó en panne frente el club. Los pasajeros curiosos no se perdieron detalle del acontecimiento
Este recuerdo y otros más quedaron guardados en este antiguo costurero, y que cada vez que se abre afloran momentos inolvidables de un largo caminar juntos.

  • There is another challenge sponsored by Beachys and this is my involvement.
"After the religious ceremony, the great reception at the Union Club.
While the guests arrived, an antique bus was panne front the club. Curious passengers didn’t lose detail of the event. "

This memory and others more were saved in this ancient sewing box, and that every time it opens emerge unforgettable moments of a long walk together.

12 comentarios:

Cape Cod Washashore dijo...

Oh my goodness! This is just amazing! You have done so much work on this challenge and it is so very unique and beautiful!!! You really are an amazing artist! Thank you so much for participating again!!!

Betty dijo...

Oh! What a wonderful idea! It really brings the picture to life!

bluemuf dijo...

Lovely, wonderful idea with the story and that beautiful sewing box.


Anónimo dijo...

Maria Elena this is just so beautiful. You really made the picture have a story behind it.

Alice Regan dijo...

This is amazing! So cleaver and creative, and....beautiful. I've had fun meeting new bloggers with this's been wonderful to see all the amazing designs and ideas. I'm glad to have met you.

Artifax dijo...

What a great idea! So unique and such a beautiful presentation in the sewing box!

Sweet Remembrance dijo...

Love this memory box...
What a wonderful idea & it is beyond beautiful!

Jessi Nagy dijo...

o my gosh!!
yours is beautiful!!!
just stunning!
thanks for stopping by.
have a great week

Nina In Norway dijo...

Just found your blog. Nice. I'll be back for more.

a Pocket Angel dijo...

Hello Maria, I am so happy to see you blogging. Your blog is beautiful!! I love all your photos and ideas. What a gorgeous sewing box, I love it.
Hope you have a good day~ Mary~

Beth Leintz dijo...

What a wonderful piece of art and imagination!

paru's_circle dijo...

this turned out really grat!!