Mi hijo Sebastián cumplió 19 años, y por primera vez no se encontraba en casa para el tradicional saludo (canto) de cumpleaños, muy temprano por la mañana. Le encanta el grupo Queen, así que asistió al concierto que el grupo dio en Santiago con su nuevo vocalista. Después de todo, está terminando con éxito su primer año de estudiante de ingeniería.
Last week, focused on various activities of my children, and with small advances in my work.
My son Sebastian had birthday, 19 years old, and for the first time he wasn't at home to the traditional greeting (singing) birthday, early in the morning. He loves the group Queen, so he attended the concert the group gave in Santiago with his new vocalist. After all, he is ending with successful your first year engineering student.
My son Sebastian had birthday, 19 years old, and for the first time he wasn't at home to the traditional greeting (singing) birthday, early in the morning. He loves the group Queen, so he attended the concert the group gave in Santiago with his new vocalist. After all, he is ending with successful your first year engineering student.
My son Felipe has been dedicated from very small to play guitar, he play fluently classical as electric guitar, he has learned in art workshops at school. This year also he participated in the little orchestra that his teacher organized. Everything is going well ... except math. I was with him all week, studying the geometry, because today began the final examinations.
By contrast, Benjamin, my younger son, is well with maths, but didn't even try to play a guitar during their music classes, for him the arts aren't in their interests. The guitar has been vacant ... you can imagine "who want it". Very soon begin their vacation (not myself included), and move forward with my things, with rock music all day.
Hasta pronto,
María Elena