A continuación muestro mis últimos trabajos, hechos a un ritmo de 2 ó 3 días cada uno y ya entregados:
Much time has passed since my last entry, and is, as said Yasmin, I've been as an ant working to fulfill my commitments ... and really has grown, despite the interference of life (end of school year and travels of my children, medical and dental control, holiday shopping and presidential elections).
Then I show my latest works, made at a rate of 2 or 3 days each and already delivered:
Bolsa de tela de tapicería composé, por un lado con gallitos y el otro con flores.
Bag in compose upholstery fabric on one side with cockerels, and the other with flowers.
Cosmetic bag with a rose hand-embroidered.
Table runner with lilac flowers and border triangles, machine quilted.
Panel árbol de navidad y regalitos, me encantó el resultado, cualquiera sea la técnica usada, el árbol es un clásico.
Panel Christmas tree and gifts, I loved the result, whatever the technique used, the tree is a classic.
Nativity Panel with stars twisted (called Wonky) and angels embroidery, this is another version of the red panel that you have seen. The sequence shows the star of Bethlehem, the baby Jesus and the shepherd with a sheep.
I'm still working on two cushions art "crazy", I hope to finish before Thursday, because on Friday I will submit to surgery. When I will be better, I will visit you again.
Con anticipación y cariño les deseo a todos Feliz Navidad y como el próximo año está a la vuelta de la esquina, nos vemos el 2010.
With anticipation and love I wish you all a Merry Christmas and as next year is just around the corner, see you in 2010.